Our products
Due to the high percentage of amino acids,hormones, macro and micronutrients and antifungal properties, our products provide to your crops all the nutritional requirements for their excellent development.

ISM Biofértil N
Due to its balanced content of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, this product offers you:
- High organic matter content, as well as, major and minor elements.
- Higher performance in your crops on account of the easy absorption.
- It neutralises the PH of the soil, maintains its humidity and improves its porosity.
- It helps in the flowering, growing and development of the plants.

ISM Biofértil K
Due to its high Potassium content, this product offers you:
- It contributes importantly to the metabolic process of the photosynthesis.
- It controls the osmotic pressure.
- It has a significant impact on the balance of water and meristematic growth.
- It is fundamental for the vegetative development, the fructification and the quality of the fruits.

ISM BioMax Nitrogen
It is a source of highly available organic nutrition for your crops, due to its high content of nitrogen, amino acids, organic matter and animal protein.
All our efforts to improve the quality of our products
are made thinking on our clients and the final consumers.